I asked a question and proposed an idea to just throw it out there. Become a patron of clumsyalien today: Read posts by clumsyalien and get access to exclusive content and experiences on the worlds largest membership. I appreciate every CC creator around because it is you who make the Sims series a more fun experience. You don’t know what’s in the MOD folder I referenced in the post. The CC may need to be gone through and tested beforehand. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. » Unlike the original OMSP this is basically a special shelf. For Info: Be careful finding and downloading zipped custom content folders from Sims 3 youtubers, tumblr sites, etc. » It will only go up to the top of a regular wall. You can place it away from the wall by using moveobjects on, and it will still shift!

The OMSP can be shifted up and down like a painting. 0:00 / 8:42 URBAN MALE CC FOLDER My Entire CC Folder & Links For The Sims 4 ComfortSims 604 subscribers Subscribe Share 7. Sims Cc Sims 4 Hair Male Sims 4 Black Hair Sims Hair Sims 4 Body Mods Sims 4.

If that doesnt work, move your Sims 4 folder (the one in EA. The Sims Resource - Sims 4 - Everyday - Pinkzombiecupcakes - New Look High. I absolutely loved the idea of pictureamoebae’s OMSP shelf for TS4 and wanted to recreate it :) The Sims Resource Over 1M+ community-made pieces of Custom Content (CC) for the Sims. at 9:00 AM MALE CC FOLDERThe Sims 4: Male mods folder (Male Skin,Hair,Clothes,Shoes.) FREE DOWNLOAD 2021 MALE CC FINDS The Sims 4: MODS CC FOLDER MALE PACK (Skin,Hair,Clothes,Shoes. Introducing a new OMSP for The Sims 3!! In case you don’t know what that means, OMSP stands for ‘One More Slot Please’ and can be used to add lots more decoration to your buiilds. URBAN MALE SIM DUMP (3 SIMS) - CC FOLDER & SIM DOWNLOAD GUCCI, JORDANS, HAIR + MORE Sims 4 CAS FamSimsss 29.7K subscribers Join Subscribe 169 Share 11K views 1 year ago.